Exfoliation SIG
November 01, 2021

Exfoliation SIG

The goal of this SIG is to increase ophthalmologists’ knowledge on XFS and XFG, and to support the optimal clinical care in XFG in Europe.

1. Ongoing projects of the SIG

Course at EGS 2022 meeting: Planned

Goal: to cover research and clinical developments and practical applications

Clinical study / survey:

There is a recent European glaucoma referral study (Holló G, Schmidl D, Hommer A, for the ReF-GS Investigators. Referral for First Glaucoma Surgery in Europe, the ReF-GS Study. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2019 Jul;29(4):406-416. doi: 10.1177/1120672118791937) to base future work on.

Goal: To design a study on the current status of XFG treatment patterns in Europe, involving the EGS Next Generation Partnership members.

2. Provide a relevant breakthrough in the field

In the recent years a large database research called The Utah Project on Exfoliation Syndrome resulted in several studies which indicate that systemic non-vascular diseases that are caused by dysfunction of the elastic fibers are significantly associated with exfoliation syndrome.

1. Wirostko BM, Curtin K, Ritch R. at al. Risk for exfoliation syndrome in women with pelvic organ prolapse : a Utah Project on Exfoliation Syndrome (UPEXS) Study. JAMA Ophthalmol2016;134:1255-1262.

2. Besch BM, Curtin K, Ritch R, at al. Association of exfoliation syndrome with risk of indirect inguinal hernia: the Utah Project on Exfoliation Syndrome. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2018;136:1368-1374.

The search for EGS goal of “Paving the Way to Better Glaucoma Care” continues together with Outcome and other EGS Committees as well as SIGs, i.e. how to promote the best possible well-being and minimal glaucoma-induced visual disability in individuals with glaucoma within affordable healthcare systems.

The views expressed are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of the EGS.

SIG Corner Editor: Hana Abouzeid

Chair: Gabor Hollo
Co-chair: Anastasios Konstas

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