Ocular Blood Flow SIG
October 24, 2019

Ocular Blood Flow SIG

SIG Corner Editor: João Barbosa Breda

Chair: Leopold Schmetterer Co-chair: Luis Abegão Pinto

1. Ongoing projects

The Ocular Blood Flow SIG and its members are actively engaged in pushing forward this area of expertise and try to uncover vascular mechanisms underlying glaucoma.

Current focus is threefold:

A. Standardize research methodologies, definitions and outcomes in OBF research.

The lack of a common methodology in the several centers doing research is on key element in data pooling. With “big data” studies promising possibilities of future breakthroughs, creating a common methodology, defining criteria and outcomes. Specifically, SIG is keen in exploring trial formats that can allow clinical applicability of any findings.

B. Continuously assess the validity and clinical utility of technologies that can detect or be used to measure ocular blood flow.

C. Provide a scientific platform that can enable partnership between members, thus fostering European research on this interesting field.

2. Provide a relevant breakthrough in the field

We have noted the following papers as being of potential interest to EGS members in our SIG area:

“Studies have now suggested a role for OCT-A parameters assisting clinical management. Two groups have recently suggested a link between visual field progression and peripapillary circulation that can be measured quantitatively by this technology. These may help move the OBF discussion from disease mechanisms into an actual clinical tool, thus paving the way for further clinical studies in this area.”

Parapapillary Deep-Layer Microvasculature Dropout and Visual Field Progression in Glaucoma.
Kwon JM, Weinreb RN, Zangwill LM, Suh MH. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019 Apr;200:65-75. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2018.12.007.

Association Between Parapapillary Choroidal Vessel Density Measured With Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography and Future Visual Field Progression in Patients With Glaucoma.
Park HY, Shin DY, Jeon SJ, Park CK. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2019 Jun 1;137(6):681-688. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2019.0422.

The search for EGS goal of “Paving the Way to Better Glaucoma Care” continues together with Outcome and other EGS Committees as well as SIGs, i.e. how to promote the best possible well-being and minimal glaucoma-induced visual disability in individuals with glaucoma within affordable healthcare systems. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of the EGS.